
Arts, Faculty of Jobs in Fredericton, New Brunswick at University of New Brunswick

Title: Arts, Faculty of

Company: University of New Brunswick

Location: Fredericton, New Brunswick

Closed to students with any knowledge of German. Enables students to understand, speak, read and write simple, idiomatic German by introducing them to the sounds, word forms, sentence structures and basic vocabulary of German. Sections of German 1001 may use different texts and approaches. No prerequisite.Native or near native speaker of German; Master’s or higher degree in a relevant discipline, or equivalent combination of experience and training.Preference in competition will be to persons holding Right of First Refusal in the course first. Other applicants will be considered at the end of posting if no persons with Right of First Refusal apply. https://www.unb.ca/hr/_assets/documents/cae20222025.pdf

Upload your CV/resume or any other relevant file. Max. file size: 800 MB.

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